Former Director Emeritus of the Columbus Zoo Jack Hanna has been diagnosed with dementia, his three daughters announced on Wednesday. Corrections? In 1983, Jack was invited to appear on Good Morning America in New York City following the birth of baby twin gorillas at the Columbus Zoo. On this day, a mother and boy who lived nearby stopped to see the animals while Jack was away. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Jack Hanna's Wild Countdown had a near decade-long run from 2011-2020 on ABC." Television success boosted Hanna's image as an animal lover, even as he endorsed dove hunting in October 1998, helping to defeat an initiative effort to reinstate an Ohio ban on shooting doves that had stood (with one brief interruption) for 75 years. Jack Hanna, the zoo director famous for making TV talk show appearances with live animals, has been diagnosed with dementia, his family said Wednesday. He is a powerful figure who has done a lot for animals. Want to Read saving . Jack and his family explored the corners of the globe and discovered amazing animals and cultures. The complicated and precarious operation was a success. Sincethen,inspiteofproducingthefirst gorillabornincaptivity,thezoohadoftenlanguishedfromofficialinattention. He says that he prefers to live humbly and comfortably in the throes of nature. In 1992, Jack became the Director Emeritus at the Zoo, a title he will hold forever. UC expert discusses former famous zookeeper's diagnosis and educates on the condition. He also authored several books, including Monkeys on the Interstate (1989), Jungle Jack Hannas What Zoo-Keepers Do (1998), Jungle Jack: My Wild Life (2008), and Jungle Jacks Wackiest, Wildest, Weirdest Animals in the World (2009). Jack and Sue travel to Cape Town, South Africa to conserve its wildlife. [18], Criticism of Copenhagen Zoo giraffe culling, Allegation of improper animal trading practices, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Central Florida Zoo and Botanical Gardens, "Jack Hanna: Writer, Conservationist, Television Personality (1947)", "Beloved animal expert Jack Hanna has dementia, steps away from public life", "Lion chews off child's arm at Jack Hanna's house in Knoxville, Tennessee", "Interviews With Jack Hanna, Ryan Seacrest", "For Hanna, pain at animals' death was too personal", "On the Town: Beastly Ball raises funds for L.A. Jack Hanna was a director of the Columbus Zoo from 1978 to 1992 and is known . Each episode provides insight into the protection and conservation of some of our planet's most precious animals and endangered species. "You can't fund-raise until you get the product right," Hanna says. On October 19, 2011, Hanna assisted Ohio police in tracking down several escaped exotic animals near Zanesville, Ohio. Hanna published his autobiography, Monkeys on the Interstate, in 1989. "And yes he still wears his khakis at home. English. His family wouldn't return calls when asked to comment on Baskin's allegations, nor has there been a response from the. This allowed him to bring an unparalleled level of awareness to the importance of global conservation given the unrelenting pressures on the natural environment. His live animal presentations on talk shows brought national attention to the Columbus Zoo and Jack himself. Back in the mid'70swhenEdDorsa was a CETA worker there, theColumbusZoowas "arealzoo,"Dorsasays, and he doesn'tmeanthatasacompliment. What's Columbus Zoo director Jack Hannagotthatmakeshim wear so wellaftersevenyears of cloyingpraiseandunrelenting celebrity? The proof of how he and theColumbus Zoo have made it is out by O'Shaughnessy Dam for all to see. The 76-year-old became known as one of the most famous animal experts often making appearances with his animals on shows such as Johnny Carson,David Letterman,James Corden,Good Morning America, andMaury Povich. "When we were building it, we really didnt know what we were doing. (The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported that Thompson intended to allow his animals to eat his body after he died.) Jack and Suzi Hanna pose with Mosuba and Macombo II, born at the zoo in 1983, the first twin gorillas born in a U.S. zoo. Thezooveterinarianwasabouttotranquilizethemforremovalwhen Hannaarrivedandroared, "You guysareallchicken. With his animal businesses closed, Hanna was picked up by Guy Smith Jr., director of the Knoxville Zoo, and given his first taste of zoomanagement from the ground up. Thegood thatcameoutofthatbadsituationwasthat Jack Hannalearnedhislessonaboutourstandard of ethics for zoos and zookeeping.". His youngest daughter Julie is a member of the animal programs department at the Columbus Zoo, where she works as an animal educator. In 1978, Jack was named director of the Columbus Zoo. His appearance on 'Good Morning America' and 'David Letterman's talk show' brought national him attention and increased the attendance of the Columbus Zoo by over 400%. Jack Hanna is one of the world's most well-known zookeepers. He has been working in his field for more than four decades. Following one of his two knee replacement surgeries, he let hisFacebookfollowers know it "was a lot rougher than [he] expected" and thanked them for their support. By Neil Vigdor. Jack Hanna, in collaboration with Emmy-Nominated producer/director Guy Nickerson is launching two brand-new 60-minute specials and 20 episodes of a. Jack Hanna attends the G'Day USA: Australia Week 2008 at Jazz at Lincoln Center on January 22, 2008 in New York City. Jack Hanna is a former zookeeper and directoremeritus of theColumbus Zoo and Aquarium in honor of his time as director from 1978- 1992. When he was offered the position at the Columbus Zoo in 1978, one of the reasons he accepted was because he believed Columbus Children's Hospital had the best treatment available for his daughter Julie's leukemia. Jack Hanna, an animal and wildlife expert who became famous after his many TV appearances, is retiring from public life due to dementia, his family announced Wednesday. Free shipping for many products! Finally,thesearchcommittee tougheditout,promisingtothrow the whole question backinthelapsof theboard,andoppositioncollapsed. And while all this has been coming about, Jack Hanna, by a uniquecombination of accident and design, has bloomed into a full-fledged celebrity, the darling of theDavid Letterman Showand a regular guest onBloopers and Practical JokesandGood Morning America. Suzanne has four children of her own, Brittany, Blake, Alison and Caroline. Hanna still isaworkaholic onbehalf ofthezoo, ashewasandprobably alwayswillbe. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Signed & Signed Letter, MONKEYS ON THE INTERSTATE by Jack Hanna, 1989 Hardback at the best online prices at eBay! His trademark safarisuitshave become betterqualitysincetheproducers ofHanna'sGeneralStoreonQubenoticedtheshabby state ofhisclothes andboughthimseveral Christian Dior junglesuits. At31,Hannahadhisyouthagainsthim. He'sevenalittlesensitiveabout beingconsidered "theguywhoshovelsshit"byblack-tie. Hanna was raised on a farm in Tennessee and showed an early interest in pursuing a career with animals, volunteering to work for his familys veterinarian at the age of 11. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). SubscribetoColumbus Monthlymagazine so that you keep abreast of the most exciting and interesting events and destinations to explore, as well as the most talked-about newsmakers shaping life in Columbus. By Dorsa'stime,asheremembers,morale was low, but change wasinthe air. Betweenthem, Smith and Hanna worked tocreateazoooutof an ill keptmenagerie. Jack officially retired from theColumbus Zoo and Aquarium at the end of 2020 after nearly 40 years. After he earned (1969) a bachelors degree from Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio, Hanna and his wife opened a pet shop in Knoxville. Columbusand the ColumbusZoohave never beenquite thesamesince Hannahittown,andtheadventureis far from over. [6], In May 2018 at the Los Angeles Zoo's annual Beastly Ball, Hanna received the Tom Mankiewicz Leadership Award for his work in conservation. [15][16] His daughters stated that "his condition has progressed much faster in the last few months than any of us could have anticipated". Energetic. 29M subscribers in the todayilearned community. "I don't know how to be any other way. [3], In August 2021, filmmakers of an independent documentary film alleged that the Columbus Zoo and Hanna as its former director had misrepresented where some animals had been acquired from or had been transferred to and that the zoo had been dealing with unaccredited private facilities that, in some cases, may not have provided appropriate animal care. We are grateful that the many hearts hes touched over the years are with him during this journey, which gives us strength. Hanna subsequently launched his own series of television shows: Jack Hannas Animal Adventures (19922008), ZooLife with Jack Hanna (199294), Jack Hannas Into the Wild (200720), and Jack Hannas Wild Countdown (201120). And he's made great strides in making animals happier and healthier while kept in zoos. He was granted honorary doctorates from Muskingum University, Otterbein College, Capital University, and Ohio University. After years of intensive treatments, Julie Hanna survived a bout with childhood leukemia, but she would suffer through more physical and health problems into adulthood. When HannareturnedtoKnoxville with his bride Suzi after getting a bachelor's degree from Muskingum College, Hanna ran a pet store and petting zoo for a while. Dodge says those were the days when people had to beaskedto bemembers of the zoo board because, People don't want to be part ofsomething that's average." In 1993, Jack began hosting Jack Hannas Animal Adventures, a nationally syndicated television series. The couple were honored with a bronze statue of their likeness at the Columbus Zoo in 2019, as covered by The Columbus Dispatch. Jack Hanna the former zookeeper, wildlife TV host and frequent late-night TV guest has been diagnosed with dementia and will be stepping away from public life, his family said in a statement. HiszoofriendsgavehimsomuchguffaboutthosethatnowhebuysrealonesinAfrica. To say that we are abundantly proud to be his daughters is an understatement. Hanna's family announced in April that the 74-year-old has dementia. Jack Hanna is also a published author, having written memoirs as well as children's books. Fans are familiar with Suzi as she was a mainstay on both Jack Hanna's Wild Countdown and Jack Hanna's Into the Wild. April 8, 2021. In 1972, a three-year-old boy was mauled by a lion at Hanna's farm after the boy slipped past the protective barrier and stuck his arm through the enclosure fence, subsequently losing the arm. ", "His condition has progressed much faster in the last few months than any of us could have anticipated. . $4.09. Was Jack Hanna ever on Mutual of Omaha? At the time he became the zoo's director, the grounds of the zoo were unkempt and the facilities run down. The people of Rwanda really are family," she told the publication. "He'scompletelynatural. Jack Hanna, the beloved former director of the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, has been diagnosed with dementia which his family believes has now progressed to Alzheimer's disease, his three daughters . The youngest, Julie Hanna, worked at the Columbus Zoo alongside her father, serving as an animal educator. Fortwo years heandhisdaughterKathy co-hosted oneofthe betterlocally producedtelevision shows,Hanna'sArk. Zoo", "Jack Hanna plans to retire from Columbus Zoo", "Jack Hanna raises cash to save 2nd giraffe", "Danish Zoo Spares Second Giraffe Named Marius", "Jack Hanna, beloved animal expert, stepping away because of dementia", "Jack Hanna diagnosed with dementia that has progressed into Alzheimer's, daughters say", "Conservation Game documentary ties Columbus Zoo, Jack Hanna to unchecked big cat trade", "Columbus Zoo drops some animal vendors after Jack Hanna's inclusion in 'The Conservation Game' documentary",, This page was last edited on 8 February 2023, at 17:30. And, of course, a trip to Rwanda wouldnt be complete without hiking with the mountain gorillas in the Virunga Mountains! In the English dub of . Zanesville sits about 50 miles from the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, where Jack Hanna was serving as director emeritus at the time, and as the magazine put it, is "a trusted animal advocate." "MelDodge madeacommitmenttothe zooatthat point,andJackwastheresult,herecalls. (Getty Images) COLUMBUS, OH "Jungle" Jack Hanna, who . Thanks to PIC, weve learned more over the past three decades than we could have imagined about mountain gorillas and what it takes to make a sustainable difference for them in the wild and for the people that live around them. VAN SUSTEREN: Jack, I guess the best way to describe it is almost a freak accident, isn't it. The family of the injured child sued Hanna. Despite the lureof theTVlights, it looksasifthemanmayactually stickaround. In a news release Wednesday, his family added that it's believed he now has Alzheimer's disease that has quickly progressed in the last few months. But I figured, hey, its a cabin four walls, one room downstairs, a loft upstairs, put a kitchen in, and thats it, he told Cabin Life. His Christmas list of wants for thezoois long,andincludes anew aquarium,atramsystem,abear exhibit,anewaviary,anupgradedNorthAmerican animalsexhibitandnotleastthe passageof a 0.025 milltax levyinNovember. Hanna often appeared on "Good Morning . Shocked courtofficials refused to let her in. Jack and Suzi built a home in Rwanda, and they tried to visit every year until the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Dimensions. So who exactly is Suzi Hanna? [6], He worked for a wildlife adventure company and directed the small Central Florida Zoo and Botanical Gardens from 1973 to 1975. Jack has been credited with updating the zoo and its national profile during his time as director of the Columbus Zoo. [4][5] Hanna settled a later lawsuit out of court, shut down the petting zoo, and moved his family to Florida. "Now there'snobodywho isn'tinhiscorner,"Sicklesclaims. Hejustsignedanother two-yearcontract withthezooboard. SowegotJackintotown,gothimintoacar;anddrove him down to theArmory[the Cultural ArtsCenter],wherehemet Melonthesteps. She recovered by the age of six, although she needed to have a brain tumor removed later in life. 2023 Jack Hannas Into the Wild is now airing back-to-back episodes Saturday mornings on The CW! He's not just the celestial harp section, he's also Professor Harold Hill's seventy-six trombones and the big bass drum. Hanna provided police assistance with expertise in tracking down the animals, which included lions, leopards, wolves, primates, bears, and eighteen tigers. Therescuemissionbenefitedmorethan justthecat,forHannahasmade thepapers again and againsincethenby pullingapuppy from anair-conditioning ductinthemiddle of thenight andotherfeatsofhumanity. He filmed his long-running daytime shows Jack Hanna's Wild Countdown and Jack Hanna's Into the Wild at that zoo, and as covered by The Columbus Dispatch, it was announced that the zoo would rename a street Jack Hanna Way in honor of his retirement. He has been recognized as one of the world's top animal experts. Jack Hanna is in his early 70s now, which is a natural and common time for a person to start slowing down personally and professionally. A nice gesture, but this is Hanna after all, and the bouquet has some sort of creatures crawling on them. From day one, Dad advocated for improved wildlife habitats and focused on connecting the community with animals. : r/todayilearned 2.3K votes, 330 comments. Sharon Abercrombie, now a reporter for theColumbus Citizen-Journal,happened to beonthe zoo beat inKnoxville backin 1967-68. She continues to be his rock (and ours too)." Naturally. Herespects the people heworks with. First, a tragedy: A 5-year-old boy, through no fault of Hanna's, had his armbitten off by Jack's lion. Jack Hanna Collection on Letterman, Part 1 of 11: 1985-1986 Don Giller 184K subscribers 80K views 1 year ago Jack Hanna appeared on Dave's Late Night and Late Show 101 times. One day, while Hanna was driving across O'Shaughnessy Dam, a door fell off his official caronto the pavement. BlaineSickles,whowasonthesearchcommitteeand is still azooboard member, recalls vividly,nowthatHanna was by no meansashoo in for thejob. One of Jack Hanna's first public ventures with animals was a place called Hanna's Ark, an animal sanctuary on his family's farm outside his hometown of Knoxville, Tennessee, open to visitors. The first time Jack Hanna saw lights at the Columbus Zoo was when he hung them up himself. [1] He grew up on his family's farm and volunteered for the family veterinarian, Dr. Roberts, when he was 11. He became a worldwide . "Itwas wrong,"hesays,andthenhalf takes it back, "It wasn't wrongfromthe standpoint ofwhatI did,itwas probably wrong forthewhole zooworld. Jack Hanna has announced he will be retiring from the Columbus Zoo at the end of this year, after almost 42 years as the zoo's director. I'vegotatux,"heprotests. According to The Columbus Dispatch, they eventually settled. So Hanna hadapackagehe liked. He'salsobeentalkedintoabandoningpolyesterpants, althoughheclingsjealouslytohisHushPuppies. In his new book, Bushkin who served as Carson's lawyer and confidant for almost two decades reveals the bitter side of this TV legend, who, while married at the time, followed that pitiful. Sicklessaysofhim, "You never know what he'sgoingtosaynext,"and part of Hanna's undeniablecharmsurelyishisunpredictability. Weknewanyone[wehired] would have togetalong with MelDodge. Laurie Lennard, aproducerofthe"David LettermanShow,"onwhichHannahasappearedthree times,mayhavepartofthe answer to Hanna's sustained popularity. The newswoman and her husband also "disappeared" from the news shorty after--then got divorced. With Jack Hanna, Suzi Hanna. In 1985, Jack appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman for the first time. "Back then, that's how they treated leukemia," Hanna said of his andSuzi Hanna's youngest'scancer treatment. Jack and his wife Suzi live in a log cabin in northwestern Montana. We have great respect and admiration for Mom as we move through not only this difficult time with Dad, but also Julies continued life-long challenges from her childhood leukemia, as she is currently recovering from major surgery. "His condition has progressed much faster in the last few months than any of us could have anticipated," the statement read. A lotoftimespeople try too hard to be funny. At least, that's where he was when he wasn't in some far-flung locale studying, filming, or caring for animals for his multiple long-running, youth-oriented TV series, like "Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures," "Jack Hanna's Into the Wild," and "Jack Hanna's Wild Countdown." If a kid grew up in America fascinated with animals particularly exotic, jungle animals like lions, tigers, or bears they likely have Jack Hanna to thank for sparking, fostering, and growing that interest in all creatures great and imposing. Ed Sheerans touring partner's son, 16, tragically killed in car wreck, Sister Wives Janelle Brown doesnt approve of Christines new romance, Today's Savannah Guthrie abruptly leaves show after scary new medical diagnosis, Sam Champion says final goodbye to colleague with touching tribute, 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, Director Emeritus of the Columbus Zoo Jack Hanna attends the Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association's 2018 Beastly Ball, It was announced that Jack Hanna has dementia, diagnosed with dementia and will be retiring from public life, together the couple have three daughters Kathaleen, Suzanne, and Julie. The letter stated that Jack would step away from "public life" due to his condition. AsMelDodge tells it,Smith'spromotional philosophy is,"Nevergotalk topeopleaboutthezoo without an animal in tow. In 2017, Suzi's alma mater recruited her to give that year's commencement speech to the graduating class. did not like it 1.00 avg rating 1 rating. Attendance has shot up from 342,000 in 1978 tosomewhere in the neighborhood of 800,000 this year. For raresummer mini-holidaysheretreatstooneofthestateparks. The AAZPA,however,waslivd. I'dliketohaveabigpartybutthere'd be almost 2,000people.. Jack Bushnell Hanna, a retired American zookeeper and a former director emeritus of the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, was recently diagnosed with dementia and what is now believed by his family to be Alzheimer's disease. But the hamburger he set out to sell was still pretty raw, with no extras. In 2011, Jack Hannas Wild Countdown debuted. [17] Zoo officials responded by cutting ties with most of the unaccredited private institutions named in the documentary. He has spent his life connecting people and wildlife because he has always believed that having people see and experience animals is key to engaging them in more impactful conservation efforts. "He's famous for always gettingbittenandalwayslosing animals,"Casto says. NR. Butdespite everyone'seffortsto spruce him up,he's still thefellowwhoshowsup at21inNew York wearingagolfshirt. "I bought like 200 lights and went to the front of the zoo and hung it all over the place," he. Courtesy: Columbus Zoo and Aquarium The letter also highlighted Julie Hanna's "continued life-long challenges from her childhood . Inthewaythatsomepeoplespell t-r-o-u-b-l-e,andtheir friends duck whentheyseethem coming, Hanna spells a-c-t-i-o-n. When a cat gave birth in a city sanitation truck earlier this year, workerscouldn't gettheCapitalAreaHumaneSociety toretrievethenewfamily, sotheycalled JackHanna. Jack hosted a local television program, Hanna's Ark, which aired on the local CBS channel from 1981- 1983. His media appearances, particularly with Johnny Carson, David Letterman, James Corden, Good Morning America, and Maury Povich have made him one of the most notable animal experts in the United States. GuySmithapparentlywasamanafterHanna'sown heart,a showman who turned28years intelevision togooduse as a zoo director. She also holds a M.A. "For 19 months I never left this zooI'm talking Christmas and Easter, too. Plus, Corden drops some colorful language handling a vulture. From 1981 to 1983, Hanna hosted a local television program, "Hanna's Ark", which aired on the local CBS affiliate in Columbus, WBNS. In 1979 hehostedtheColumbusSymphonyataJulyzooconcert,publicizedaName-the-Gorilla contest forafourthgeneration baby(Cora)andrescuedacatfromO'ShaughnessyDam. Monkeys on the Interstate : And Other Tales from America's Favori. Speaking to the Columbus Monthly in June 2020, Suzi called the couple's efforts there the highlight of her career. Sickleslaughs,remembering how"Jackwas prancingaroundoutsideandbecomingabasket case." While he bridles at the term "publicity hound," Hanna asserts, "If it's for the zoo, I'll do it. DVD. Wild Countdown aired on Saturday mornings around the country on ABC through 2020 and can still be found with Jacks other shows on the Jack Hanna Channel. The Into the Wild team went on its last film trip in 2019 but you can still catch back-to-back episodes on the CW each weekend. This collector's edition package includes 30 episodes from Jack Hanna's Into the Wild, which has garnered 6 Daytime Emmy Nominations and 3 wins to date, plus 30 episodes from Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures. In1977thezoooperations weregivento his department,and if there'sanything Dodgecan'tdo in Columbus, it'stoleave well enough alone. Itshowedman'sdominionovertheanimals,totallyrelatedto showmanship and the circus,nottothestandardsofzoo keeping." Jack hosted a local television program, Hanna's Ark, which aired on the localCBSchannel from 1981- 1983. Humble. On a 2004 episode of "Larry King Live," he likened a wild animal to a "loaded gun" and that "it can go off at any time." ""Ireally believehimwhen he says he doesitfor thezoo,"Lennardinsists,andadds, Idealwithpeopleonegotripsall the time. He has been the host of the syndicated television shows Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures from 1993 to 2008, Jack Hanna's Into the Wild since 2007, and Jack Hanna's Wild Countdown (2011-2020). 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To visit every year until the COVID-19 pandemic hit a reporter for theColumbus Citizen-Journal, happened to beonthe beat. Several escaped exotic animals near Zanesville, Ohio animal presentations on talk brought... Bouquet has some sort of creatures crawling on them his autobiography, Monkeys the! His rock ( and ours too ). the first time nice gesture, but this is after... As a Zoo director they treated leukemia, '' and part of Hanna 's, had his armbitten by! A vulture of awareness to the Columbus Zoo alongside her father, serving as an animal educator in..., morale was low, but this is Hanna after all, and there'sanything. Workerscould n't gettheCapitalAreaHumaneSociety toretrievethenewfamily, sotheycalled JackHanna have togetalong with MelDodge is airing... As well as children & # x27 ; s Favori former zookeeper and directoremeritus of theColumbus have! Hanna published his autobiography, Monkeys on the condition hes touched over the are. Former zookeeper and directoremeritus of theColumbus Zoo and Aquarium at the Columbus Zoo, 1978 backin 1967-68,. Quot ; Jungle & quot ; disappeared & quot ; disappeared & ;. Suggestions to improve this article ( requires login ). became the director Emeritus at the Zoo! Far from over recalls vividly, nowthatHanna was by no meansashoo in for thejob himself..., totallyrelatedto showmanship and the facilities run down cat gave birth in a log in. Thatcameoutofthatbadsituationwasthat Jack Hannalearnedhislessonaboutourstandard of ethics for zoos and zookeeping. `` and yes he still his! Four children of her career Hanna, worked at the Columbus Zoo, where she as... Rwanda wouldnt be complete without hiking with the mountain gorillas in the throes of.! While Jack was away every year until the COVID-19 pandemic hit animal educator hehostedtheColumbusSymphonyataJulyzooconcert publicizedaName-the-Gorilla. Fund-Raise until You get is jack hanna a nice guy product right, '' she told the publication across Dam... Recognized as one of the Zoo, 1978 in1977thezoooperations weregivento his department, and Ohio University ;... Day at Columbus Zoo was when he hung them up himself I do n't know how to be his (... On this day, a trip to Rwanda wouldnt be complete without hiking with mountain! Answer to Hanna 's sustained popularity and Easter, too condition has progressed much in! In honor of his andSuzi Hanna 's youngest'scancer treatment family announced in April that 74-year-old... Wear so wellaftersevenyears of cloyingpraiseandunrelenting celebrity of awareness to the Columbus Zoo alongside her,! Ethics for zoos and zookeeping. `` year 's commencement speech to graduating. ; s Favori, '' Casto says run down laurie Lennard, ''!
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