Answer (1 of 4): If your research areas are very different, you don't feel your advisor protects you politically, or your advisor is incompetent. How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner. Or could a great co-supervisor be added to the team? Help me understand the context behind the "It's okay to be white" question in a recent Rasmussen Poll, and what if anything might these results show? 3 Academic Advisors To Avoid 1. In particular, for community members to think carefully about whether a specific question is actually answered by the canonical question before voting to close it as a dupe. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? The most you should say about your adviser is that your working styles clash, and you would need a little more freedom to chose methods and explore your own ideas. That's not fun, he says, and the lack of autonomy doesn't help them learn what it takes to be a successful scientist. Dericks and his team didn't find any evidence that showed that's an effective strategy, though: After taking adviser supportiveness into consideration, students' satisfaction levels weren't correlated with their perceptions of their Ph.D. advisers' intelligence, knowledge, intellect, and scholarly abilities. Should we have a canonical question about changing fields after PhD? It only takes a minute to sign up. For us, the ultimate question to ask is always the following: If you dont change your supervisor and just continue as is, would your PhD completion be in danger? That might be administratively simpler than finding a new supervisor. 9. Your PhD supervisor will have some core responsibilities towards you and your project. Should these question closure instructions be included in this canonical question? Changing PhD supervisor 18 months into 4 year PhD [closed] Ask Question Asked 5 years, 3 . Now I do exclusively software engineering. In most cases, a change of supervisor is possible, but there are a few things that need consideration. The people responsible dont acknowledge their wrong doings and see no consequences for it. @FourierFlux That's not usually how a PhD works. In addition, postdoctoral groups, such as YPA, may . What does meta-philosophy have to say about the (presumably) philosophical work of non professional philosophers? Dont rush it, but eventually try to arrive at a decision, after carefully balancing the pros and cons. Or maybe it was when he screamed at you for not updating the lab Facebook page, even when he told you that morning to work on your experiments instead. - Bryan Krause Jul 21, 2020 at 0:50 Less of an income, probably. I might go beyond the second paragraph and say that every academic field is so radically different, that many practitioners of said fields would say that advice is nearly useless unless it's tailored to their field. Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? If you have family, you have to make sure they understand that you were forced to switch advisers and you might finish the PhD later. @Damodar You don't need to bad mouth him. Do any fields have fundamentally different considerations than others? Some universities or graduate schools have formal proceedings for an exchange of supervisors anchored in their PhD regulations (or elsewhere) which are publicly available. If you don't, talk to their students and postdocs before switching. Can non-Muslims ride the Haramain high-speed train in Saudi Arabia? The most progressive or advantageous of PhD regulations will e.g. The presentation is a bit of an overkill, but if you have one, you can ask if they would like to look at it. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. If you realise that you are suffering from poor supervision, by any means, change your supervisor if it will help you do better research and have a happier PhD life. Academia Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for academics and those enrolled in higher education. These lay out guidelines of how research should be conducted, how data should be handled, ethical principles in research that must be considered, how results are published, and how junior researchers must be treated and evaluated these are broader than the codes of conduct for supervision that we mentioned above. Practical aspects -- how to change subfields between PhD and postdoc? Is there a more recent similar source? If we've learned anything from the COVID-19 pandemic, it's that we cannot wait for a crisis to respond. Im talking bullying, sabotage, retaliation, discrimination Unfortunately, a lot of PhD students who find themselves bullied by their supervisors struggle getting out of these situations. that they wouldnt get paid and wouldnt get help; some have sent letters to other members of the faculty to tarnish their students reputation - others have threatened to do so. Some personal factors that you should think about, before replacing yours, are the following: If youre right at the start and you already notice that things arent going well, it is certainly worth the effort to try and get another supervisor. mention that you can add or exchange members of your thesis advisory committee at any point in time during your PhD. Adviser supportivenesswhether an adviser was caring, considerate, encouraging, and sympatheticwas the most important factor for student satisfaction. Learn how your comment data is processed. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. If you move within the same department, you have the advantage of knowing already who are the best advisers. In this first piece I hope to bring some light on the complex landscape of circumstances that can lead to a change in PhD supervision. It's completely normal to have doubts and frustrations during your PhD (and the timing seems about on schedule for it, as well), but this is a strong emotional response that you should take seriously and seek help dealing with. These will normally include meeting to discuss your work, reading drafts and being available to respond emails and other forms of contact within a reasonable timeframe. What's the difference between a power rail and a signal line? I am currently 18 months into a 4 year PhD in Algebraic Number Theory in the UK and I am not at all enjoying the work (I haven't been for about 6 months now). I think this is a much, much larger undertaking than just having a few broad subcategories in the canonical question. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. They are in a situation where they experience problems with one or several of their supervisors. This territorial attitude can leave students isolated and unable to get the training and supervision they need if they dont receive it from their own advisor. Indeed the cases mentioned in the good part of this piece can quickly turn bad (or even ugly) if theyre being mishandled. Now I do exclusively software engineering. If you want to go around burning bridges, though, there isn't much I can say to stop you, is there? The United States, Australia, and countries in Europe yielded the most survey responses. They can't go back in time to get revenge on the people who picked on them. Your number one priority is to make sure you get to a place where you are okay, where you are good. Duress at instant speed in response to Counterspell. Not all of these are horror stories and quite a few reported a very positive denouement (even if, obviously, it can still be a very stressful process). This would be a much better question if you deleted the entire enumerated list, which is largely irrelevant for the question asked in the title. UniWiND 2015, UCL 2018, National Health and Medical Research Council Australia 2019, University of Edinburgh 2021). If you start working with someone new, you'll be stressed simply because you will try to prove yourself, not to mention the steep learning curve implied by switching to a new field. And a vacation provides an even longer respite. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Applications of super-mathematics to non-super mathematics. That is one of the topics to discuss here. Is email scraping still a thing for spammers. So they will never co-supervise! Prospective students will differ in their specific preferences, but overall, it's probably best to find a balance and avoid overly hands-on and overly hands-off advisers. The kind of people I wish to work with do not like to work with my supervisor. In my experience, she is not of the understanding or empathetic kind, but rather resentful. Dot product of vector with camera's local positive x-axis? Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Some PhD students were simply left to their own devices without proper supervision. I dont want to scare you, but if you are a similar situation you have to be prepared. I think it's more likely for a program to make an effort to try to honor previous work and not penalize a student when circumstances are mostly outside the student's control. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. After two years, I have lost interest in my work and the passion has gone. How to Switch PhD Advisors Published July 9, 2016 Posted in: PhD Survival You'll know when it's time to go. Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? You may see it as not wrong, but I reiterate to you that it seems quite rude to me. Should we have a canonical question about the relation (or lack thereof) between plagiarism and paraphrasing? Can you keep the parts of the thesis you have completed? Answer (1 of 4): Of course it is. If you already have published enough to graduate, you might seek a co-supervisor. Another PhD candidate had to help their supervisor move to another university and establish a new lab from scratch. Because we know that problems with a supervisor are tricky to handle for PhD candidates, we want to give L., and everyone else who is in a similar situation, our advice. This is not novel or ground breaking but it is good to keep repeating it. rev2023.3.1.43269. If you are the holder of a scholarship, a grant holder, or, if you have a regular PhD position funded by a research institute, a change of supervisor is more straightforward. Even if it is, labs that do similar work tend to be in close proximity to one another maybe even on the same floor of the same building and are more likely to collaborate. Advising offices have different processes for changing advisors. I will never bad mouth anyone. Now I have no interest in further continuing this association. You are e.g. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. But now These professors want revenge. Now you have get to get your passion back. This will usually be the director of your graduate program, but can also be the head of your department or a dean. Hi, I want to change my current phd subject/advisor. To keep things in perspective at this point, we should mention that the majority of PhD candidates are rather happy and satisfied with the supervision they receive. Unless these people start losing status and opportunity as a result of their inappropriate behaviour why would they stop? But if that's the only thing you take into consideration, you could wind up having a terrible experience in graduate school. Is it possible to change the application area of research while looking for a postdoc position after PhD? I like that! 70h/week including week-ends and holidays). All emails contain an unsubscribe link. There are a great number of reasons for which such a change would be appropriate. The Bully It seems like some professors were picked on a little too much when they were kids. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The study underscores a fundamental disconnect between the interests of advisers and advisees, Shibayama says. Dealing with hard questions during a software developer interview. Duress at instant speed in response to Counterspell. As an example, suppose we had a question about a math PhD ---> computer science postdoc transition. Be part of an amazing group of academics from all over the world! Determine if your stipend or salary will change at the new institution. Following up on the discussion in the comments. You should also try to think about options, preferably some area where you can still use some of the knowledge you have already acquired. "You'll have setbacks. from computer science to humanities). From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Good supervision is extremely important, so overcoming some obstacles in order to replace a 'less than good' supervisor can be absolutely worthwhile! There are no real breaks. In a stereotypical "9-to-5" job, when the workday is over or the weekend arrives, you can generally forget about your work. Universities have formal proceedings that take place in order to exchange a supervisor and it might happen more often than you think. We have a very high number of questions about switching fields after PhD. In this way, you work in a field you already know at a moderate pace, while you develop new skills. Dont wait that long! We should consider adding such a reminder/warning to all of our canonical questions. He forced his Post Doc student as my another supervisor in order to fast track his career, without any kind of discussion with me. The following are the reasons: I am forced to work in a very specific area and there is almost no room for creativity. Are there conventions to indicate a new item in a list? Here is a handful of examples (and there are certainly others): They might go into retirement and somehow be allowed to leave PhD students behind. (2019), cite it as one point of dissatisfaction with supervisors. BTW: By the time I started doing full time software engineering, I was 36 plus years old, which I would call mid-career, not early-career. At what point of what we watch as the MCU movies the branching started? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I cannot express how grateful I am for your trust, and I command you on the courage it took to open up about these, sometimes traumatic, experiences. During that time, the PhD candidate could barely run experiments for her PhD project, since practically nothing in the lab was working, causing a huge delay in her PhD process. I struggled in the first year of a PhD in computer science but I succeeded at the end and gained a scholarship. Here are some examples (by no means a complete list, I just got tired of copying and pasting): Since there are a lot of combinations between current field and target field, we could potentially have thousands of versions of this same question. How can the mass of an unstable composite particle become complex? Suppose you have written part of a thesis(normally a PhD thesis in my field has 2-3 parts, each part may be different from the others). But still I struggle with just quitting and changing the advisor, as I think that she wont be happy about that, and I fear that the loss of a PhD-candidate would surely be understood as threatening at face-value for her as an advisor. Many Higher Education Institutions, funding agencies, or governmental bodies have developed codes of good scientific practice (see e.g. I imagine the title would be something like: "(How) Can I switch from field X to field Y after getting my PhD?" Sometimes things dont just go wrong, they go bat-shit insane. Some only speak up about a problem when they literally cant take it any more and are desperate. My supervisor just does not care about what I need anyways! Remember, her only interactions with your advisor mightve been occasional polite small talk, and if you start off with an angry rant about how much of a jerk your advisor is, the person who might come across as a jerk is you. I wouldn't recommend starting with an advisor you don't plan to finish with (and doing so is incredibly rude), changing advisors is for situations that cannot be salvaged. There are many reasons why t. It's critical to find "someone you can relate to, who is going to be supportive in a personal way," Dericks says. I think the most straightforward solution would be to have a single canonical question that covers all fields, but I'm open to the idea that we might need multiple duplicate targets because some fields have fundamentally different considerations. How does a fan in a turbofan engine suck air in? The answer depends entirely on your advisor and program/university's policies (especially the 'new' one of each). math <-> CS), between somewhat related disciplines (STEM-STEM, humanities-humanities), and completely different disciplines. You can find some tips in the second blog in this series Advice from people who switched PhD Advisor. rev2023.3.1.43269. Adopt the art of " principled negotiation ," which is composed of four steps: 1) separating the problem from the person; 2) focusing on interests, rather than on positions; 3) creating options that allow for mutual gains; and 4) using objective criteria. It may be possible to collaborate with other professors, but I strongly suggest you focus on one area at a time. If you need to switch to a very different field, you should expect another 2-3 years as a beginner. Ask if this is possible. As a matter of format, I agree that it makes sense that a canonical question would aggregate common considerations in a few broad categories. But advisees are best served if they are given the space to make mistakes and develop into capable, independent scientistsa process that can take time, and that is more likely to pay off after a student has left an adviser's lab. When his students come to him looking for advice about who they should work with next, he tells them not to weigh prestige too heavily. Parent based Selectable Entries Condition, Dealing with hard questions during a software developer interview. Should I do my Ph.D. with a supervisor who rarely responds to my emails? But after graduation, researchers who were advised by professors who weren't so hands-on went on to be more productive. I'm not sure why your personal story is relevant for the question. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. They may be leaving research and be unmotivated You may have personal circumstances or mental health issues that must take precedence - you may need to take a break and change program or institute. For a few years, I did real-time embedded audio programming, which sort of double-counted as EE and software engineering. Youll know when its time to go. Was Galileo expecting to see so many stars. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? One comment: In many departments, if you have another advisor lined up, there is very little your former advisor can do to keep you from switching. The researchersled by Aaron Clauset, an associate professor of computer science at the University of Colorado in Boulderdidn't have any data on the quality of scholars who were awarded faculty positions. So, I propose that we consolidate our questions about switching fields after earning a PhD but before getting a permanent position. Please make a tax-deductible gift today. As reported by the Helmholtz Juniors (2019), about 20% of PhD students mention a supervisors lack of expertise in the field of their PhD as one of their problems. , University of Edinburgh 2021 ) that might be administratively simpler than finding new... 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