Come join us for a weekend , we are well drilled and have fun with our hobby . This Labor Day Weekend, Clatsop County Fairgrounds in Astoria hosts a three-day Civil War Reenactment and Living History, Saturday through Monday, Sept. 1 through 3. Photos and descriptions of reenactment groups will not be listed without expressed consent. Visit website for more information. Donations and contributions are tax-deductible. The Southern Piedmont Historical Reenactment Society, Inc. (SPHRS) is a non-profit, family oriented, historical society made up of people like you who are interested in preserving our nation's rich heritage. Please E-Mail Us for More Information! three infantry regiments, cavalry troops, artillery batteries, Top Union unit based in East TN. Galvanize as 5th Kansas Cav. We primarily do CS but will do US when called to. We also portray the 123rd New York Infantry. . We are a non-profit, family-oriented organization seeking to bring history to life and to honor the memory of all those who served in the Civil War. Walk through the parking lot at a Civil War reenactment and find any number of bumpers plastered with NRA, Maga, and Dont Tread on Me messages. 252 Sharp Street, Cooma, NSW, 2630. old corner campsite fall creek falls. We are based out of Reno, Nevada and travel to events in Nevada and California. We attend events all over the UK and live, sleep and fight as they did during the American Civil War 1861-1865. However, these reenactments were not open to the public. Men & Women welcomed. The First Kentucky served only in Virginia and w.comas the only Kentucky unit to be part of the Army of Northern Virginia. of historic education, emulation, and commemoration. Attached are the 1st Arkansas Artillery and 1st Arkansas Civilian Corps. Our focus is on the engineer support duties of mobility, counter mobility and survivability on the battlefield. We are a new company of veteran reenactors looking for good events and good people. We are a dis-mounted and mounted contingent. Recruited from the same geographical area as the original Company A, Field Music, 1st Penna Reserve Volunteer Corps (PRVC) or 30th PVI is. Join us for Family fun, good times, and the chance to step back in time with friends and yourself. I, Eighth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Company A, Incorporated, 11th Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, Company G, Fourteenth Regiment Connecticut, Van Dyke's Howitizers 1st Florida Artillery. Many reenactment groups, museums, and militaria collects accurately portray the history of previous conflicts which may include the display of flags and logos deemed sensitive to some. Glenn W. LaFantasie, a history professor at Western Kentucky University, said baby boomers popularized reenactments after the Civil War's centennial in the 1960s. Its a period of time that has been cast in this sepia glow., Tauszik, the photographer, cited an additional motivation: reenactments seem like good fun. We are NOW RECRUITING!! October 1861 - April 18, 1866. The game is Captain Morgan's Revenge. DONATE NOW! 8th Confederate Cavalry / 7th Kentucky Cavalry, 3rd Arkansas Volunteer Infantry Company A, 1st Arkansas US Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 2nd Connecticut Volunteer Heavy Artillery Regiment, Co. Asked if some reenactors hold genuine admiration for the Confederacy, Iacono balked: OK, well, when you say Confederacy, you have to give it, I mean, pro-Southern? We are a family oriented group of individuals that portray E. Tennessee Unionists. We live as our ancestors did in order to teach others the history of the past. WWII Historical Re-enactment Society. We also galvanize as the 5th Kentucky Battery, USA. We are a progressive unit that travels light, looks sharp and tries to do it right. Confederate soldiers invade Central Park in Huntington Beach on Sunday, September 3, 2017, reenacting a brutal Civil War battle against the Union. We do living history and battle reenactments.Looking for men,women,and children. We are a rifle company affiliated with the 5th Division ANV . The 1st Regiment Kentucky Vols, Co E CSA is a close knit unit composed of men, women and children who share mutual respect and a love of the War Between the States history. Artillery Battery does reenactments is the SE United States. Please write,and I will forward your address to our recruiter. Civil War Reenacting unit in Tennessee, North Alabama, and North Mississippi. Later that year, Arizona State Parks decided to discontinue the annual event until a sponsor could be found. Hardcore campaign style impression with gentle corrective therapy offered to newbies! We are family oriented and also do campaign/progressive events. Family kickback artillery unit with 2 mobile cannons. Civil War Indian Fighters! We are family oriented and welcome all ages to take part in our unit. Founded in 1971, we are a youth fife and drum corps. Each member has an equal say in the daily operations of the organization. Living-history mode unit, meet third weekend every month, sabre, pistol and rifle drills and shoots, drills with 12-lb Mountain Howitzer, combatant and con-combatant roles, men, women and children. Reenacting the Civil War began in earnest during the 1961-1965 Civil War centennial commemorations. The Governors Guards are a dual impression progressive/campaigner unit that is a part of the Southeast Coalition of Authentic Reenactors (SCAR)We strive for historical accuracy. Crimean War. We are a family organization with something for everyone. It was part of the Huntington Beach Historical . Visit Slaughter Pen Farm Living History & Battle Recreation to experience the struggles that took place between December 11-15, 1862 in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Being a Civil War reenactor is about stepping back in time to create believable characterpersonaor what reenactors call an "impression". We are Civil War Reenactors and Living Historians. Here you can find a list of groups that portray the American Civil War period. San Benito County Historical Park 8300 Airline Highway, Tres Pinos CA (1 mile south of Tres Pinos on Hwy 25) Friday, September 16, 2022. you can do eather or. These battles and events found a receptive audience, but public interest in reenactments faded by the late 1960s. We are a family oriented, non-profit organization. Regiment, 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers, Birney's 9th Missouri Battalion of Sharpshooters CO. C. CSA, We are skirmishers, who reenact in MO. We are located in North Arkansas, Eastern Oklahoma & SW Missouri, Join Us. Kentucky Volunteers is a collection of reenactors who will work together with event hosts for more successful events. Company K of the 28th Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiment is a Civil War Reenacting Unit located in Central Florida. Civil War Reenactment Groups. We come together for Regional and National Events, The 2nd Missouri Infantry, Company K, CSA is a civil war reenacting unit that portrays Missouri State Guard, Confederate and Union soldiers throughout Missouri and neighboring states. May 18 - 21, 2023 | Franklin, TN. Come and join with us! We hope you consider inviting a reenactment group to your next educational event. We are a lively group of living historians attending a monthly engagement at Fort Tejon. Under the broad name of "Army of the Southwest Civil War Reenactors" we encompass the 4th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, 9th Kentucky Infantry, Third Iowa Light Field Artillery, Cobbs Battery (Confederate) and the 7th Iowa Cavalry. Members protray both Union and Confederate honoring the War Between the States Surgeon. We are a family oriented reenacting group from NW Ohio - NE Indiana. Our goal is a home for Naval and Marine reenactors to call home. We have members located all throughout the State of Alabama and are door is always open to those who would like to give the hobby a try and for those who seek a fun, Family Friendly atmosphere. Namely, to promote public education of the history of the War Between the States (1861-1865). WW2 A.R. 154th Tennessee Confederate infantry reenacts at battles in the IL/IN/WI area's. We are an authentic unit where you can experience the life of a Civil War Marine. Sep 02 to Sep 03, 2023. This unit is being started in remeberance of and in dedication to the memory of Stonewall Jackson,and the men of the 12th Georgia.Help field this unit,one of Jackson's Foot cavalry. We do galvanize and have civilian impressions that also in the unit. The unit is family oriented and the majority do a garrison camp. We also have an artillery branch led by one Lieutenant and one Sergeant. Registration is now open for the American Battlefield Trust's 2023 Annual Conference in Franklin, Tennessee. Do something different! Contact Information - Eddie Sullivan, 205-792-2362 or at for short time & help you save $, The Muscogee Rifles Co.E 12th Georgia Regiment of Infantry. Officially the First Illinois Volunteer Light Artillery - Battery A. Carolina Rifles Living history Association. Participants typically camp out under the stars. North Carolina Reenactment Groups. Historical reenactment groups and living history groups offer an insight into how men and women lived in past times. We are Kentucky based reenacting unit portraying Confederate soldiers in the western theater of the American Civil War. We are not a campaign style unit. Civil War reenactments first began during the Civil War itself, when both Union and Confederate soldiers would stage mock battles in order to train for actual combat. Becoming a historical re-enactor requires an unquenchable thirst for history and abiding patience with uncomfortable accommodations and ridiculous outfits. October 21, 1862 - December 20, 1865. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Civil War veterans recreated battles as a way to remember their fallen comrades and to teach others what the war was all about. The 52nd Georgia Volunteer Infantry Company I attempts to accurately portray the lives of the common soldier from Georgia during the War of Northern Aggression through battle reenactments, living histories, and memorial services. San Benito County Historical Park - Tres Pios, CA - September 15, 16, & 17, 2023 We are looking for new members both mounted-infantry-civilain-We are 5 members(mounted) doing what comes best, Raiding U.S. camps, also love the feild fights,kidnapping for exchanges and well you get the point, Hope to hear from ya'll soon. We do living history and personal appearences(certain schools).We don't travel more than 3 hours from where most our people live. Non-political org. To submit a reenactment group for consideration please feel free to contact us here. Short of actually traveling back in time, however, there is no better way to learn about history than by living it first-hand as a reenactor. We are a Living History Association group didicated to reenacting and representing life during the years of the War between the States. We are a Confederate Infantry unit of the Trans-Mississippi Theater. in order to perpetuate and extend the knowledge of that period We have members ages 18-60, We have a civillian group also. Fun for whole family send email for more information. We participate in living history demonstrations and reenactments of the Civil War era for the educational benefit of the, Lexington Rifles - Co. A, 2nd Kentucky Cavalry. Company "A" the Arkansas Travelers - A Civil War reenactment group based in New Jersey. Family oriented, we strongly believe that histroy can and s. We are based in Charlotte, North Carolina and portray a union impression, as part of the famed Irish Brigade. Authentic Unit Of Longstreets Corps that maintains the maxim of an "All Military" style Mentality. This Company will be a sharpshooting reenactment group within the 2nd SC Rifles. Sasse's Iowa 4th Page, 2nd Kentucky Cavalry, Co. A, Lexington As a group, we travel thousands of miles each year participating in living history encampments, re-enactments, and giving informative lectures throughout the year both in Ontario and the United States. We are a family oriented Confederate artillery group . We are dedicated to the preservation of the history of the American Civil War and its impact on frontier expansion. We are a family-oriented Mess with members stretching from Virginia to Florida whose primary impression is that of guerrillas in the Eastern Theater. These living history events allow people to step back in time and experience what life was like during the 1860s. Please go to our web site for more information. The NCWA was a pioneer in the integration of Union, Confederate, and Civilian impressions into one reenacting organization. The Multi-Lakes Association for Civil War Studies (MLACWS), is the overarching, non-profit organization that works to raise money for historic preservation. We actively recruit new members. Join the Signal Corps of The James, a living history unit with both Confederate and Union sections. Start the day off with a rousing town meeting in which your group must debate the war then decide whether to secede, join . Call 1-731-983-5401 for unit information. Now Recruiting, Please visit our Info site and consider one of the most authentic units, Recognized by the National Park Service. Dr. Binion at. We are actively seeking new members who have a passion for the Civil War and would be proud to portray the The Buckeye Vanguard and civilians of that era.If you are interested in joining us or would like more information about our group, please email us. representing the common soldier of Company F with honor, accuracy and respect. 15th. The USV is a US 501(c)(3) Not-For-Profit organization. Living history and reenactment unit, we strive to be authentic. U.S. Revolutionary War Re-Enactors. AR. Event Month Days Year City State Website; Battle of Pleasant Hill Re-enactment: Apr: 08-10: 2022: Pelican: LA: Fort Fisher June of 1862 I receive a small amount of compensation when you purchase from my links at no additional cost to you. *This post may contain affiliate links. We are Kings Battery Mountaineers, a light artillery unit of the 14th Georgia Artillery, Company D. Our galvanized Federal unit is the 13th New York Independent.Formed in late 2005, Kings Battery consists of Civil War enthusiasts who want to enrich both our knowledge and heritage by participating in CW reenactments. In the years that followed . 1st Section, US Signal Corps, Department of New York, Since 1964, the re-created 148th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment has been educating the public and paying homage to the original group of men who set off from the Finger Lakes area of western New York for the seat of war in the fall of 1862. 7003185300000000000 1853 AD. We are dedicated in preserving our history, and providing fun and educational entertainment members wanted. The 148th PVI Co. C Reenactors Group of Central Penna. We are a Stillwater Minnesota Area reenacting organization that specializes in recreating, in graphic detail, the medical and surgical procedures performed on the battlefield and in the field hospitals. Hope to hear from you soon! We have a confederate copart as well the 43rd Va Batt Cav. The United States Volunteers, Inc. (USV) provides an association The companies of the orginial 1st Kentucky were the first from that state to rush to arms for the South. CIVIL WAR DAYS - Living History in Huntington Central Park. RevWar Progressive a cornucopia of reenactor information. We are apart of the 1st Confederate Brigade. Zouaves, 104th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company Please contact us. is a mounted Confederate cavalry unit. Relive History at its best! We are in formation in the Burlington area and looking for some eager Cornfeds to fill the ranks. C and the McClellan Rangers Fife & Drum Corps, 116th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry We are a Civil War dismounted Cavalry, family oriented reenactment group. Members must dress in auth. no shoes,no boots,no problem, mule collars and shotguns. A family-friendly unit with members from all parts of Virginia that participates in battle reenactments, living histories, parades, ceremonies, school programs, and National Park Service events. We hope to see you there! This is a new regiment so we are on the lookout for new members, the regimental headquarters is located in Dalton Georgia, along with companies B, C, G, H, and I, just like the historical regiment. We honor nurses both northern and southern for thier contributions to our history. We are a new unit just getting started, the Denmark Danes mustered in Friday, May 17, 1861, they became Company K of the 6th Tennessee Regiment and fought all through the war. We are a Reenactment group based in Texas, but participate also in major evnets in the south. We are first in,last out on the battlefeild and simply southern everywhere else. We are also known as the "Fremont Hussars". 667 likes. Reenactors. Federal Artillery Battery originally a militia unit based out of the armory in Chicago, IL. History live it or lose it, always remember the past was someone present. E mail me for more details. On April 29-30, the Friends of the Confederate Reunion Grounds will host its 23rd annual Civil War Living History and Reenactment at Confederate Reunion Grounds State Historic Site. General Staff Corps Venture Crew 1861 BSA, Venture Crew B.S.A. Can loan new members equip. Currently with around two dozen members (male and female) they take part in regular WW2 based skirmishes and reenactments all over the country. California Historical Group: West Coast WWII Reenacting. The Pawnee Guard is a not for profit Historical Reenacting Unit that portrays Marines, Sailors and Infantry from the Civil War. You can find civil war reenactments all over the country 12 months out of the year. We have members in La., Tx, Ms., Ga., Pa. and Va. We are a hardcore mess that aren't threadcounters. Looking for anybody interested in doing living histories and then reenactments down the road in PA, MD and VA. Family oriented and authenticity a must. Seventh Tennessee Cavalry Company B (dismounted). See website for contact information. While there, they, Our units are geographically located east and west from Eastern Pennsylvania into Eastern Ohio, south into Maryland and West Virginia, and north into Southern New York, Well-drilled confederate infantry company. We represent a unit of the Stonewall Brigade. We have a company in NY, FL, GA and SC any one interested we would love to have you to help fill our ranks. We have 243 members from various units all across the Country. HM Frigate "RICHMOND" The Rifle Shoppe. The 20th SCVI/13th US is the oldest continuiously active unit in SC. STATE COLLEGE The 148th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company C, Civil War Reenactment Group,will meet at 7:30 p.m. June 9 at Hoss's Steak & Sea House, 1450 N . Though the original 148th began its service as a garrison regiment in the Norfolk, Virginia area, it went on to serve distinctly in such battles as Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Drewry's Bluff, Chaffin's Farm, Fair Oaks and the numerous battles and skirmishe. Btry B 3rd KS - Light Artillery - Frontier Bde. individual member units along with links to member unit websites and Players take turns spinning a dreidel-like top with marked . Use Smile Amazon for online shopping We strive for a well disciplined, sharp drilled and savvy field unit that upholds the highest traditions of the historical units that we portray. structure, coordination, and collaboration of like minded historians. Our headquarters is in the Niagara Region of Ontario, Canada and our members come from all over the province of Ontario. Never mind that the state is located more than 150 years and a world away from the main theaters of the conflict: Many Californians, it turns out, are really into the Civil War. Through the recreation of events, members of the organization represent both the 4th Texas Company E and the 16th Michigan Company B for various educational events around the Great Lakes region and beyond. WWII Research & Preservation Society: West Coast WWII Reenacting. Recruits are always welcome in our ranks and by our fire. Come help us keep history alive! Members come from TN, NC, SC, GA. Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era is a Pulitzer Prize-winning work on the American Civil War. For many, taking part in a reenactment is a way to connect with their ancestors and gain a greater understanding of American history. Hello and a Hundred Thousand Welcomes. looking for recruits. It was an annoying historical . Based in Albany,ga. December 31, 1861 - July 27, 1866. Its very romantic, Tauszik said. Jun 3, 2021. WWII Airsoft reenactors. Civil War Reenacting is an exciting hobby for the armchair historian, student or serious Civil War enthusiast. (Todays M. We have a military side and a civilian contingent. We are a group of living historians presenting first person histories of various key figures of the War Between the States. Follow the links to the command elements to see listings of the Civil War Days Saturday September 17th Sunday September 18th 9:00 am - 4:00pm Civil War Reenactment. We accomplish this through "first person" impressions of General Officers, Officers, Enlisted Men, Politicians, and Civilians. We are currently in the process of building two units. 44th Georgia, Co. C; Pridgeon's Battalion. Join The Stonewall Brigade today! It was the incongruity of it all that caught the eye of Oakland photographer Brandon Tauszik, who spent three years immersed in the world of Civil War reenactments in Northern and Central California. We do galvinize to honor ancestors on both sides. Toggle navigation lori goldstein husband We are the 1st SC Volunteer Infantry Co H " Cherokee Pond". We are do mostly reenactments and living histories. Organization portraying John Hunt Morgan's dismounted cavalry skirmishers. If you want to be involved in first class living history and reenacting contact us. Prospective recruits welcome. We are a Confederate unit that is from Southwest Missouri. Trying to form a new unit out of Delaware.I'm looking for.Expirenced and none expirenced reenactors.The 4th Al will be familey oriented unit. Please contact Jon any time. The 2nd KY Cavalry is a Confederate re-enactment group based in Southern/Central California. We are a family friendly organization that serves the mountain region well. We strive for excellence in the field but are committed to having fun while we're doing it! November 1861 - December 14, 1864. Our Co., has mounted and dismounted soldiers. A family orientated reenacting group located west of. Off with a rousing town meeting in which your group must debate the War Between the (! Bsa, Venture Crew B.S.A toggle navigation lori goldstein husband we are a youth fife and drum Corps do. Daily operations of the most authentic units, Recognized by the National Park Service history, Civilians! Our history home for Naval and Marine reenactors to call home Society: West Coast reenacting... ; RICHMOND & quot ; the rifle Shoppe well drilled and have with... The SE United States to reenacting california civil war reenactment groups representing life during the 1860s $, the Muscogee Rifles 12th., mule collars and shotguns Tennessee Unionists life of a Civil War Marine affiliated with the 5th Kentucky,. 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